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June 29, 2023

A Journey of Rediscovery and Fearless Growth

A Journey of Rediscovery and Fearless Growth
Many women open up about the fear that surfaces when the house grows quiet, when the chores decrease and your purpose seems to shift unexpectedly. However, this can be the dawn of a new era, a period where you get to rediscover yourself and all this phase has to offer.
Fear is a natural response, especially when we're about to step into the unknown. It's okay to feel it. But remember, it's just that - a feeling. Fear often makes us imagine the worst scenarios, yet, in reality, the obstacles are not as insurmountable as our minds paint them to be.
The empty nest phase is not an end, but a beginning. It's an opportunity to explore the dormant dreams within you, the passions that might have taken a back seat while you were busy raising your children. It's your turn now, your turn to take center stage.
If there's a class you've been thinking about, a book you've wanted to write, or a small business you've dreamed of starting - now is the perfect time to dive in. Remember, the fear you feel is not a stop sign; it's a sign that you're pushing against your comfort zone, moving toward growth. It's a sign that something amazing may be about to happen.
You may feel afraid, and that's okay. Take a deep breath, step forward, and take that chance. Because most of the time, the reality of doing will never be as scary as the imagined fear.
And here's the beautiful thing: no matter what happens, you'll either end up with a success story or a lesson that will make you stronger and wiser. There's no losing here.
So, ladies, lean into the fear. Let it guide you, but don't let it define you. And remember, we're all here in this group, cheering each other on, ready to celebrate your successes and catch you if you stumble.
Embrace your empty nest as a full heart, ready to take on this exciting new chapter. We are so much more than our fears. We are strong, resilient, and capable. We've raised children, and now it's time to nurture our dreams. Fear is just a passenger on this journey, not the driver.
Bobbi x