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Aug. 20, 2023

Day 20: Letting Go

Day 20: Letting Go

What if surrendering and accepting the inevitability of change was the key to liberation? We're delving into the art of letting go on day 20 of our 21 Days Together series and revealing how it paves the way for growth, healing, and new beginnings.

What if surrendering and accepting the inevitability of change was the key to liberation? We're delving into the art of letting go on day 20 of our 21 Days Together series and revealing how it paves the way for growth, healing, and new beginnings. 

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Bobbi Chegwyn:

Welcome to day 20 of 21 Days Together. Today, I'm going to talk about letting go. Life is a constant ebb and flow, a journey of growth and change. Along this path, we encounter moments that demand us to let go Of people, situations, expectations and emotions. While the idea of letting go Might initially evoke feelings of loss and vulnerability, it is in fact a powerful act of Self-liberation and emotional detachment. Embracing the art of letting go Enables us to free ourselves from burdens, find inner peace and create space for new beginnings. Let's explore the process of letting go and the profound freedom that comes With emotional detachment. Letting go is not about abandoning Responsibilities or turning away from challenges. Instead, it is an act of surrender, a conscious decision to release our grip On the things we cannot control. It involves accepting that some chapters In our lives, such as in-person parenting have come to an end and the clinging to the past Prevents us from embracing the present and the future. The process of letting go can be challenging, as it requires us to confront our fears In securities and detachments. However, it is precisely in this vulnerability that we find the strength to break free From limiting patterns and embrace an authentic and liberated self. Emotional detachment is often misunderstood as a cold and uncaring attitude. However, it is quite the opposite. Emotional detachment is a practice of loving ourselves enough To step back from emotionally draining situations or toxic relationships. It does not mean suppressing emotions. Instead, it means finding a healthy balance Between feeling deeply and not letting emotions consume us. By cultivating emotional detachment, we liberate ourselves from the emotional rollercoaster that circumstances can trigger. We gain clarity, resilience and the ability To respond to challenges with a calm and centered mindset. Life is in a constant state of flux and change is an inherent part of our existence. Yet we often resist change, holding on to what is familiar and comfortable. Letting go teaches us the impermanence of life and the beauty of embracing the present moment. As we release attachments to the past, we learn to cherish what we have here and now. This awareness deepens our awareness, deepens our appreciation for life's fleeting moments and we learn to savor the present with gratitude. Letting go also involves forgiving ourselves and others if there is a need. Holding on to grudges and resentments Only weighs us down emotionally, preventing us from experiencing the fullness of life. Forgiveness is not condoning hurtful actions, but liberating ourselves from the emotional shackles of the past. By forgiving, we release the heavy burden of negativity and create space for healing and growth. Forgiveness is an act of self-compassion, an offering of peace to ourselves and others. When we let go of what no longer serves us, we create space for new beginnings to unfold, just as the autumn leaves fall to make way for spring blossoms, letting go paves the path for fresh opportunities, experiences and relationships. I've always loved the saying when we create a space, god rushes in. As we emotionally detach from what was, we open ourselves to the vast possibilities that the universe has in store. By releasing the old, we welcome the new with open arms and a heart ready to embrace change. Letting go and embracing emotional detachment are liberating acts that empower us to live more authentically and fully. By acknowledging the impermanence of life, practicing forgiveness and creating space for new beginnings, we unlock the freedom that comes from releasing emotional baggage. In this process, we discover our inner strength, resilience and capacity for growth. As we let go of the past and detach from emotional entanglements, we gain the power to shape our destinies and embrace the present with gratitude and joy. Letting go is not a one-time event. It's a continuous journey of self-discovery and freedom, offering us the gift of a life lived authentically and unencumbered by unnecessary attachments. Remember, you've got this Until tomorrow. We're a little messed up, baby, kind of up and down, and we keep falling till we hit the ground, but then we, oh, we get back up again. You're a little messed up, baby. It's never getting boring when we keep coming for the stars, just you and me. Oh, we always get back up again, you and me. Oh, baby, you and me.