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Oct. 11, 2023

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Rewiring Your Thoughts for Joyful Living

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Rewiring Your Thoughts for Joyful Living

SISter School™️ is my blog within The Inspired Empty Nest site.  What does SIS stand for?  Self-Inventory for the Soul™️, and those who've been along for the ride for the last fifteen years will know that everything I create is based on the principle of living a life from cause, rather than effect.

As I'm currently visiting my two daughters in Australia (woohoo! 🎉) and not currently 'working', I wanted to leave you with a collection of these lessons for the next month or so.

Bobbi x

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Bobbi x

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Speaker 1:

From empty nest to personal. Best, let's fly, mom fly. Hi everyone, it's Bobby here again with another mini episode coming from the Sister School blog on the Inspired Empty Nest website. Today we have a lesson in rewiring your thoughts for joyful living. Let's embark on a journey into the depths of our minds the mission to uncover the influence of our thoughts and beliefs on our emotions. So let's uncover the secrets of rewiring your thoughts for a happier, more joyful life. First things first. Let's grasp the concept of how beliefs and emotions are intertwined. Have you ever heard the saying the only meaning something has is the meaning we personally place on it? Well, that's the golden rule I'm talking about here. It essentially means that our feelings aren't just random reactions to the stuff happening around us. They're closely tied to what we believe and the thoughts we attach to those beliefs. Think of your beliefs as a pair of glasses you wear every day. They color the way you see the world. Put on a pair of fear-based glasses and everything suddenly appears scary, sad and lonely. But the thing is, you have the power to switch those glasses for a new pair. To make this concept more relatable, I'll share my personal experience. Imagine you have a room in your home that holds special memories, but lately it's become a place of discomfort For me. That's my daughter Lucy's room. She moved back to Australia from Ohio and I tend to avoid that room like the plague. But why? Well, it's not because of the room itself, it's the thoughts and the feelings I've connected to it. Thoughts of fear, lack, sadness and separation have taken over the good news. I remembered that I could change those thoughts and feelings. I can rewire my brain to associate that room with happiness and joy instead. Yes, it feels a little bit strange at first, like learning to ride a bike, but with practice it can become second nature. Now let's get practical. Your beliefs are like the software running in your brain and, just like you can update your apps on your phone, you can update your beliefs. It's all about creating new neural pathways, like carving out new trails in the woods. Start thinking differently and your emotions will follow suit. And here's the secret source practice. Changing your beliefs and thought patterns takes time and effort. It's like learning a new language or mastering an instrument. You might stumble along the way, but the more you practice, the more fluent you become. You have the ability to shape your emotional landscape by choosing what you believe and how you think about the world around you. So go ahead and reprogram your mind for happiness and joy. It might take dedication and persistence, but the results are absolutely worth it. Embrace the power of your own perspective and watch your emotional world transform. Until next time.