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Sept. 27, 2023

The Magical Mom: A Journey from Comfort to Courage

Ever wondered why change can seem so daunting, yet staying put feels equally unsatisfying?

Bobbi shares her first weekly inspo from The Magical Mom for you to listen to and determine whether it's right for you to sign up at

Ever wondered why change can seem so daunting, yet staying put feels equally unsatisfying?

Bobbi shares her first weekly inspo from The Magical Mom for you to listen to and determine whether it's right for you to sign up.

Liking what you hear?  You can sign up here to The Magical Mom!

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Bobbi x

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Hello mums, I've created a new weekly inspirational email called the Magical Mum and I'd like to share the first week's offering with you here so you can determine whether it's right for you to sign up to receive. So let's begin. Trust your soul and know you have the power to create change. Here's this week's magic that is yours to embrace. If you want to create change but you're finding it challenging, know this. Life may remain stagnant because how life is now is comfortable. It's not great, it's not desired, but comfortable. And what I mean by that is you know your life's daily drill as it is right now. You know how tomorrow is going to show up. You know how it feels, how it looks and what it sounds like. Although unwanted, it's a feeling of well better, the devil, you know. I guess this is often the reason we don't choose change because change is unfamiliar. We don't know how it may look, feel, what it might say or how it will act. And here is the magic within to help you move out of this comfortable state you may be in now. Create enough pain around how life is right now. Ask yourself what will happen if I don't change. How will life continue? What will it look like? What will it feel like for me? How will I be affected? What is the outcome going to be? Paint an unhelpful image in your mind about choosing to not change. Make it painful, make it unwanted and make it undesired. Make it so you no longer have a choice but to choose change. The fear of change often stems from imagined fear, the what ifs. But being brave and choosing change will have God or universal energy mirroring your thoughts and actions and they will support you with evidence that you are moving in the right, helpful and positive direction. In life, we often find ourselves stuck in a comfortable but unsatisfying routine. We may dream of change, of a better tomorrow, but the familiarity of our current situation keeps us tethered to the status quo. It's a peculiar paradox. We long for change, yet we resist it. Why? Because change is unknown territory. It's a path we've never trodden, and the uncertainty can be paralyzing. But there's a way to break free from this cycle. Ask yourself some tough questions. What will happen if you don't change? Will your life continue to unfold? Picture it vividly the same routine, the same frustrations, the same unfulfilled dreams. Feel the weight of it. Sense how it affects you, your happiness and your overall well-being. Make this image as painful as possible, as undesirable as can be. By doing this, you're not just contemplating change, you're making a compelling case for it. You're shifting the balance from the comfort of the known to the urgency of the unknown. Suddenly, the fear of what ifs pales in comparison to the stark reality of your current situation. You've effectively stripped away the illusion that staying put is the safer option. The magic happens when you choose to step into the unknown, to embrace change despite your fears. As you take that courageous step forward, you'll find that the universe responds in kind. It mirrors your thoughts and actions, supporting you with evidence that you are indeed moving in the right, helpful and positive direction. So remember this Life's comfort zone might be holding you back, but you have the power to change that. Create enough discomfort with the present and you'll unlock the magic of transformation. Embrace change and watch as the universe aligns with your newfound determination to create a better, brighter tomorrow. Here is this week's affirmation Today, I embrace change with open arms. I recognize that the comfort of the familiar may be holding me back, but I am ready to create a bright future. I envision the life I desire and understand that staying in my current comfort zone will only prolong my journey toward it, I choose to make my present circumstances uncomfortable, painting a vivid picture of what will happen if I do not change. This discomfort fuels my determination and strengthens my resolve. I am brave and I trust that the universe supports my decision to step into the unknown. With each courageous step, I move closer to the positive, fulfilling life I deserve. I am the architect of my destiny and I am creating a better tomorrow, and so it is.