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Oct. 18, 2023

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Embracing Your EGO for Emotional Growth

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Embracing Your EGO for Emotional Growth

SISter School™️ is my blog within The Inspired Empty Nest site.  What does SIS stand for?  Self-Inventory for the Soul™️, and those who've been along for the ride for the last fifteen years will know that everything I create is based on the principle of living a life from cause, rather than effect.

As I'm currently visiting my two daughters in Australia (woohoo! 🎉) and not currently 'working', I wanted to leave you with a collection of these lessons for the next month or so.

Bobbi x

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Bobbi x

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Speaker 1:

From emptiness to personal best. Let's fly, mom fly. Hi everyone, and welcome to another mini episode featuring the Sister School Blog. Today's lesson is embracing your ego for emotional growth. Many things in life are often viewed as negative. However, when looked at from a different perspective, can be seen as a powerful teaching tool. Ego is a teaching tool. Add the letter S and it becomes a powerful acronym Emotional Growth of the Soul. The energy around the word then changes from something that is often avoided or admonished to something that holds great power to show us more of ourselves and, if we so choose, to teach us what we need to release or what we need to embrace for our soul's own growth, evolution and learning as we journey. The acronym Ego has been referred to as Edging God Out. Is it only a human perception that the God-sauce energy has not been an instrumental part, in fact, in providing us the ego as a tool to assist on our journey of growth toward love of self, life and others? As God is an energy, god is everywhere. It is only human perception that would have us believe that this source, energy, is not a part of ego as well. It is your thoughts that will create a perception of the ego, which, in turn, will evoke a feeling about the ego, fear it, run from it, blame it and otherwise. And yes, I agree, you are Edging God Out, but embrace it, acknowledge it, understand it and learn from it. And you are most certainly accepting the God-sauce energy that this tool originates from. I choose to work with my ego daily. It teaches me more about who I am presently, who I have been in the past and who I wish to become. Allow your soul to guide you to these amazing emotional growth opportunities for your soul. Until next time, from emptiness to personal best. Let's fly, mom fly.