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Oct. 20, 2023

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Returning Unwanted Energy

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Returning Unwanted Energy

SISter School™️ is my blog within The Inspired Empty Nest site.  What does SIS stand for?  Self-Inventory for the Soul™️, and those who've been along for the ride for the last fifteen years will know that everything I create is based on the principle of living a life from cause, rather than effect.

As I'm currently visiting my two daughters in Australia (woohoo! 🎉) and not currently 'working', I wanted to leave you with a collection of these lessons for the next month or so.

Bobbi x

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Bobbi x

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Speaker 1:

From empty nest to personal best. Let's fly, mum fly. Hello mums, and welcome to another mini episode featuring the Sister School blog from the Inspired Empty Nest website. Today, we're going to look at a lesson in returning unwanted energy. Sometimes we encounter differing views in our journey. As we go through life, we encounter many situations where we are presented with ideas, opinions and beliefs that do not align with our own. It can be challenging to navigate these situations, especially when they involve negative energy such as anger or resentment. But just like when we receive an Amazon parcel that is not right for us, we do have a choice. We can either keep the energy or we can return it. When we receive an Amazon item that is not right for us, we know what to do. We can return it to the sender and get a refund, or we can exchange it for something more suitable. We don't have to keep the item just because it was delivered to us, and the same goes for unhelpful opinions, beliefs, anger or resentment that comes our way. We don't have to accept these things just because they are presented to us. We have the power to say no and return them to the person they came from. We can choose to not let these things impact us and instead let them go. It's important to recognise that our boundaries and beliefs are just as valid as anyone else's. We have the right to protect our emotional and mental wellbeing by not accepting negative energy from others. We can choose to set boundaries, express our feelings and let others know that we will not tolerate negativity or disrespect. Accepting negative energy can be done in many ways. We can express our feelings calmly and respectfully, set boundaries or choose to not engage with the person. It's important to remember that it's not our responsibility to change other people's beliefs or behaviours. We can only control our own actions and reactions. So, just like when we return an Amazon parcel, it's not a personal attack on the sender. It's simply a matter of not accepting something that is not right for us. The same goes for negative energy, opinions, anger, resentment or beliefs that come our way. It's simply a matter of protecting our own wellbeing Until next time. From emptiness to personal best. Let's fly, mom fly.