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Oct. 23, 2023

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Life's Theatre - Your Soul's Grand Plan

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Life's Theatre - Your Soul's Grand Plan

SISter School™️ is my blog within The Inspired Empty Nest site.  What does SIS stand for?  Self-Inventory for the Soul™️, and those who've been along for the ride for the last fifteen years will know that everything I create is based on the principle of living a life from cause, rather than effect.

As I'm currently visiting my two daughters in Australia (woohoo! 🎉) and not currently 'working', I wanted to leave you with a collection of these lessons for the next month or so.

Bobbi x

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Bobbi x

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Speaker 1:

From empty nest to personal. Best, let's fly, mum fly. Hello, and welcome to another mini episode from the Sister School blog on the Inspite Empty Nests website. Today we have a lesson in life's theatre your soul's grand plan. Now, what if there was more to life than just existing? What if there was a bigger plan? What if, when we were souls awaiting our birth into the human experience, we formed a plan? What if we decided that, in order for our souls to grow, evolve and learn, we needed to explore and participate in certain experiences during our human existence? What if, in order to experience this growth, evolution and learning, we deliberately chose those who would journey with us and assist us to accomplish our task? What if we imagined our life here to be like a theatre production? What if we all had our specific roles, our specific wardrobe, our specific dialogue within this story that, when delivered as it should be, ended in a grand finale? What if all the people in your life, friend or foe, were in fact just playing their role in your own growth, evolution and learning process? What if they were part of your life for a reason, and whether your experience with them was positive or negative? What if, whatever the role they were playing. Ultimately, they were assisting you to a greater level of awareness. I'm wondering if this puts a different perspective on your foes. Does this allow you in any way to let go of grievances and forgive? After all, forgiveness is not absolving someone else, but, in fact, releasing and letting go from self. Sure, we are human at present, but ultimately we are much more than that when we rise above and detach ourselves from our ego, our human form, and watch the production of our life from high in the upper circles of the theatre, when we are removed from being in the thick of the emotion. Ultimately, we will only see people playing their part in order to get to their finale, as you are, to yours Now. I would like to say here that I do understand that not every facet of life can be neatly categorised or dissected, and that is perfectly okay. This exploration of our existence and interconnectedness is just one perspective, one lens through which we can view our journey if we so wish. While we may gain insights and understanding from contemplating our roles and connections, I know for many there will always be aspects of life so agonising that no amount of explanation can provide solace. Until next time. From emptiness to personal best, let's fly, mom fly.