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Oct. 15, 2023

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Facing Life's Challenges

SISter School™️: A Lesson in Facing Life's Challenges

Life sometimes feels like two steps forward, ten steps back. There are those moments when you're on the edge of giving up, and it feels like the whole world is just not on your side. It's a tough spot to be in, and I want to talk about those times when you feel unsupported by universal energy.

Sometimes we find ourselves facing challenges, and it's like we're going at it solo. The obstacles just keep coming, like the universe is in on a conspiracy to block your path. Your original passion, the fire that got you started, starts to flicker, and you begin to question the meaning of all your efforts. What used to bring you joy now feels like a massive weight, sapping away your enthusiasm. And you're left with a growing sense of isolation, like you're detached from the world, with loneliness creeping in, wondering what the purpose of your efforts has been.

In these moments, it's important to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Although you want a quick fix; it's not always offered and at this point, we need to accept that it's okay to be in this tough spot for a while. Your emotions are real, and they deserve recognition.

But there's one thing that can make a positive difference. Sharing. Sharing your experiences with a friend, or a family member, or through journaling can be incredibly therapeutic. By voicing your struggles, you let others in on your journey. You're not alone; there are others who've experienced this as well.

Life isn't always a smooth ride; if it was, there would be nothing to learn. Sometimes, it feels like the world is conspiring against you and although these moments are challenging, they're a part of the human experience. Recognizing these feelings and sharing them can be empowering. Remember, you're not alone and you can find strength in shared experiences.

And just to keep it real, this is what's been on my mind this week. I don't have all the answers, but I know one thing for sure - I need to sit with these emotions, process them, and remember that I'm not alone. We're all in this together, facing the ups and downs of mid-life, and through shared experiences, we find the strength to keep moving forward.