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Sept. 6, 2023

Flying Free: Unchaining Fear, Unleashing Potential

Overcoming fear might not be as complex as we've made it out to be. Join the conversation as I bring into focus a fresh perspective on managing fear and its impact on our lives. Discover how fear could be a self-created obstacle based on past experiences or future worries rather than a genuine, present-moment threat.

Overcoming fear might not be as complex as we've made it out to be. Join the conversation as I bring into focus a fresh perspective on managing fear and its impact on our lives. Discover how fear could be a self-created obstacle based on past experiences or future worries rather than a genuine, present-moment threat. 

Don't let fear hold you back anymore! Come, join The Inspired Empty Nest Moms Group on Facebook, connect with your tribe, and embark on your journey to Fly Mom Fly!


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Bobbi x

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Hello everyone, I'm Bobbi Chegwyn and a warm welcome to the Fly Mum Fly podcast. In today's mini episode, I'm going to talk about how to overcome fear and start living your best life Now. Fear does have a place in life as it can propel us into necessary action to act if we are in danger. It has its rightful place as a reaction to something that is happening in the present moment. There is real, in the moment fear which produces that vital flight response required for safety or survival. And then there is evidential fear. For example, we all pretty much know it's not advisable to enter the lines then at the zoo right Now. We often carry imaginary fear, a reaction to something that once happened or that we perceive may happen in the future. I think this type of fear's credibility is questionable. Think about the times you react fearfully due to something that once happened or something that you perceive will happen. Imagine what you allow this fear to look like. It may be a big, dark, overwhelming presence that you think has control over you. What feelings does this fear give you? What words go through your mind when this fear is present? How do you choose to react when this fear is present, how are you allowing it to control your outcomes and results in life? What are you reacting to really? Perhaps it looks like a what if, a maybe and an it happened before, so I am 100% sure, without a doubt, that it will happen again. Now, many times, we allow fear to be present, even when we do not have factual evidence in front of us that we will experience a certain outcome. Fear presents itself from what has been experienced in the past and the beliefs we carry about ourselves, others or life in general. But what if, in these instances, you dropped the word fear and replaced it with something else? What if you found yourself not in a place of fear, but someone who was running a certain strategy? As beings in the human form, that is what we are often doing running a well-rehearsed strategy that we are experts at. This strategy is like a math equation this plus that equals this outcome only. But you see, that equation is often based on something that once happened, not something that will necessarily happen now. It's based on fear from the past, not often what is actually present before you in the now, now. These strategies are often based on beliefs that have been formed long ago to protect us and keep us safe, keep us secure and comfortable in our world. They may once have had a place in your past, but how are they serving you now in reaching your goals, expanding your world and creating your desired life? If you were one to let fear dictate your action or lack thereof, start by changing your language. Is this really about something to be fearful of, or are you running a process or a strategy based on something that happened long ago, from which you formed a belief about? Are you basing your fear on actual facts or a what if or a maybe? Now, if you can't teach yourself any longer and you know you're running a strategy, call it just that. It will erase the word fear and what that personally represents for you and replace it with whatever strategy or process means for you. It will assist you in moving past the blocks you currently create for yourself. Now, for me personally, the words strategy or process give me an image of a boring old black and white spreadsheet that is smaller than me and has absolutely no control over me. It's something I'm running like a spreadsheet, and I have the tools and awareness to change the formula if I wish to. So, yes, please incorporate the word fear into your life if it is for your own greater good or those around you. But if fear brings you down or prevents you from being all you can be, notice if it's merely just a strategy, a process or a reaction you are running based on something that happened once but does not have to be your reality today. In the empty nest phase, together we are better. If you're an empty nest mum looking for her tribe, come and join our Facebook group, the Inspired Empty Nest Mums Group. And to personal best, let's fly, mum fly.

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Bobbi Chegwyn

Author, Podcaster & Advocate for the Empty Nest Mom

Author, Podcaster, and Advocate for the Empty Nest Mom wondering "What's next?" Your host of the Fly Mom, Fly! podcast, and chaser of shiny sparkly things.