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Aug. 8, 2023

Day 8: Challenges & Changes

Day 8: Challenges & Changes

This episode is particularly designed to help moms navigate the emotional turbulence that may arise when their children take flight to conquer the world. Understand that emotional resilience is not merely about bouncing back, but also about maintaining mental and emotional wellness during significant changes.

This episode is particularly designed to help moms navigate the emotional turbulence that may arise when their children take flight to conquer the world. Understand that emotional resilience is not merely about bouncing back, but also about maintaining mental and emotional wellness during significant changes.

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Bobbi Chegwyn:

Welcome to day eight of 21 Days Together, where we will be talking all things emotional resilience, so you can build inner strength for life's challenges. Now, the role of a mum is an incredible journey, filled with love, sacrifices and moments of joy. However, when the time comes for the kids to leave the nest and venture into the world on their own, some mums may find themselves facing a unique set of emotional challenges. This phase of life calls for emotional resilience the ability to adapt, bounce back and maintain a positive outlook despite significant changes. Developing and nurturing emotional resilience can empower you to embrace this new chapter with strength, grace and a renewed sense of purpose. So what is emotional resilience? Well, it goes beyond merely bouncing back from adversity. It is the capacity to maintain mental and emotional well-being, even in the face of challenging situations. Resilient people possess the ability to acknowledge and process their emotions, cope effectively with stress and learn and grow from experiences. They approach difficulties as opportunities for growth and personal development. How do you recognise a lack of emotional resilience? Well, knowing when you lack it is crucial in order to work on building it. Here are some signs that may indicate a lack of emotional resilience. Firstly, we've got overwhelm. That's when small problems feel insurmountable and you find yourself easily overwhelmed by day-to-day stresses. Next, we have the inability to cope. You struggle to cope with setbacks resulting to unhealthy coping mechanisms like excessive drinking, emotional eating or avoidance. Next, negative thought patterns you find yourself stuck in negative thought loops, unable to break free from pessimism or self-doubt. Constant worrying you excessively worry about the future, often imagining worst-case scenarios. You might have difficulty in relationships. Your relationships suffer as you find it hard to communicate effectively and manage conflicts. Physical symptoms Chronic stress may lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues or insomnia. So then you may be wondering how you might go about building emotional resilience. Well, the good news is that emotional resilience is not an inborn trait, but a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. Here are some strategies to help you build it. The first we've got cultivate self-awareness. Start by recognising and acknowledging your emotions. Understand what triggers certain feelings and learn to process them without judgement. Next, we have practice mindfulness. Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing or yoga. Mindfulness helps you stay present, reduces anxiety and improves emotional regulation. Build a support network. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people. Share your thoughts and feelings with trusted friends or family members who can offer a listening ear and encouragement. Next, we've got reframing negative thoughts. Challenge negative thought patterns by questioning their validity and replacing them with more constructive and optimistic perspectives. Next, we have set realistic goals. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate your progress along the way, even if it's incremental. Next, we have practicing adaptability. Embrace change as a natural part of life. Be open to adjusting your plans when necessary and view challenges as opportunities for growth. Now, once you have built emotional resilience, it's essential to maintain and reinforce it in your daily life, and here's how you can do that. The first step is self-care. Prioritise self-care activities that nurture your wellbeing. This includes getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals, exercising regularly and making time for hobbies and relaxation. Learn from setbacks Now. Instead of dwelling on failures, view them as valuable learning experiences. Analyse what went wrong and use those insights to improve your future endeavours. The next one is one of my favourites Practice gratitude. Cultivate a gratitude mindset by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can shift your focus from what's lacking to what you have. And then we've got seeking professional help. If you do find yourself struggling with emotional resilience despite your efforts, please consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor. Professional guidance can provide valuable insights and coping strategies. Emotional resilience is a powerful asset that empowers individuals to thrive amidst life's challenges. By cultivating self-awareness, building a strong support network and adopting healthy coping mechanisms, anyone can develop emotional resilience. Remember, it's a journey and setbacks are a natural part of the process, but by learning from these setbacks and staying committed to personal growth, you can keep strengthening your emotional resilience, leading to a more resilient and fulfilling life Together. We've got this Until tomorrow, thank you.