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Aug. 7, 2023

Day 7: Parent/Adult Child Relationships

Day 7: Parent/Adult Child Relationships

Do you remember the first time your child slipped their hand from yours and ran off to explore? The mix of pride, fear and longing that swept over you? Those feelings only intensify as our children grow older and start venturing further from home. In this episode, we tackle the complex emotions that come during these critical shifts in the parent-child relationship. 

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Hello, and welcome to Day 7 of 21 Days Together. Today, I'm going to talk about coping with changes in connection with our children. As our beloved kids venture out into the world, embracing new experiences and independence, it's natural for us to experience a mix of emotions. We're proud of their growth, but we also long for the close connections we once shared. Today, I want to offer practical tips and communication suggestions to help us navigate this transition with grace, understanding and love. Okay, first and foremost, when it comes to embracing change, let's remind ourselves that change is a part of life Easy to say, sometimes hard to do, but often necessary. Embracing this new phase means acknowledging that our relationship with our children will evolve as they step into adulthood, celebrate their independence and accomplishments, knowing that we have played a vital role in shaping their journey. Let's look at some practical tips for creating new rituals. Establishing new ways of staying connected can be a powerful tool in maintaining closeness. Schedule regular phone or video calls at times that work for both of you. Consider setting up a family chat group where everyone can share daily experiences, photos and updates. Planning visits or family gatherings allows for quality time together and strengthens the sense of togetherness, no matter the distance. Now let's look at shared experiences. Staying updated on each other's lives helps maintain a strong connection. Encourage open sharing of stories, photos or videos of daily experiences. I know a mum who has agreed with her daughter, who is away at college, that they will send one snapchat to each other each day. Create a comfortable space where they feel encouraged to talk about their lives, their joys, their struggles and their achievements. Likewise, share your experiences and interests, making them feel included in your life as well. It's important to encourage their independence, support their decision making and problem solving skills. Offer guidance when needed and allow them the freedom to make their own choices. Encourage them to pursue their passions and interests, even if they may differ from what you initially imagined. Show them that you have confidence in their abilities and that you trust them to navigate their path. Here are some communication suggestions Be open and non-judgmental. Maintaining open and honest communication is essential in building trust and understanding. Be a supportive listener without imposing your opinions or judgments. I was speaking to a lady the other day who said when she is talking to her child and her child is sharing something, she asks them. Is this a listening moment for me? Encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings without fear or criticism. By being non-judgmental, you create a safe space for them to share their experiences, including any challenges they may face. Try to ask open-ended questions. You can foster deeper conversations by asking open-ended questions that invite more detailed responses. Instead of simply asking how was your day, try asking something like what was the highlight of your day or what challenges did you encounter today and how did you handle them. Such questions encourage children to share more about their experiences, thoughts and emotions. Now let's talk about respecting their boundaries. Understand that they might need space at times. Respect their boundaries and avoid prying into aspects they might not feel comfortable discussing. You see, by showing respect for their need for privacy, you reinforce your trust in their ability to handle their own lives. It's so important to express love and support, so I suggest regularly expressing your love, pride and support for them. Perhaps a heartfelt message or a simple I'm so proud of you can mean the world to them. Knowing that they have your love and encouragement, even from a distance, can provide them with the emotional strength to face challenges. Be attentive to their needs, pay attention to their emotional cues and needs If they seem overwhelmed or stressed, offer a listening ear and be there for them. You know, sometimes they may simply need someone to talk to or a comforting voice on the other end of the phone. Pretentiveness and support can make a significant difference in their well-being and celebrate their achievements. As our children explore the world, let's celebrate their achievements and milestones, no matter how small. Send them congratulatory messages or surprise them with a care package to show your love and encouragement. Giving their success strengthens the bond between you and reinforces the idea that you are their biggest cheerleader, no matter where life takes them. And let's talk about staying involved While giving them space, find ways to stay involved in their lives. Attend their important events such as graduations or performances this is not only spring Join clubs or community activities and build relationships that bring joy and fulfilment. Embracing this new phase of life as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery will not only enrich our own lives, but also enhance our ability to support and connect with our children. When we show our children that we are thriving and embracing life's changes, we set a powerful example of resilience and strength. Mums, coping with changes in connection with our children is a journey of growth and adaptation. By embracing change, following practical tips and practicing open and supportive communication, we can maintain a strong and loving bond with our children as they navigate their path. Let's celebrate their independence, cheer them on from afar and cherish the moments we share, knowing that love knows no distance. Together, we will navigate this chapter of life with resilience, grace and a heart full of love. Together we've got this. We're a little master baby, kind of up and down and we keep going till we hit the ground, but then we get back up again. We're a little master baby. It's never getting boring when we keep coming for the stars, baby, you and me.