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Aug. 15, 2023

Day 15: Finding Your Tribe

Day 15: Finding Your Tribe

Have you ever felt like a ship lost at sea, with your compass spinning wildly as you sail into the uncharted waters of empty nesting? That's how we felt until we found an unexpected lifeline—community. This episode explores the significance of finding your tribe of like-minded mothers navigating similar life changes.

Have you ever felt like a ship lost at sea, with your compass spinning wildly as you sail into the uncharted waters of empty nesting? That's how we felt until we found an unexpected lifeline—community. This episode explores the significance of finding your tribe of like-minded mothers navigating similar life changes.

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Bobbi Chegwyn:

Your peers can relate to the mixed emotions, challenges and discoveries you may encounter during this phase, providing comfort, validation and advice based on their own experiences. Secondly, you want to do it for the learning and inspiration. Joining a community of like-minded mums Provides up opportunities for learning and inspiration, because you can gain fresh perspectives, explore different ways of navigating this life stage and be inspired by others' experiences and achievements. Thirdly, there's the emotional support. Having a strong support network Can significantly impact your emotional well-being. The community can serve as a safe space To express your feelings, fears and aspirations, knowing that you will be heard and understood. So what may happen if you don't connect with others? You might have increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. Without a support network of peers, feelings of loneliness and isolation can intensify during the emptiness phase. This lack of connection can lead to an increased risk of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. You may experience lack of guidance. Without a community to share experience and advice, you may feel unsure about how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of this phase. You could miss out on beneficial advice and reassurance from others who have experienced similar situations. So how do we go about finding a community? Well, many communities and online platforms cater to Empty Nest Mums, such as our group, the Inspired Empty Nest Mums Group, which you'll find on Facebook. However, you can also join local clubs or online forums Dedicated to discussing and sharing experience about this life stage. These platforms can be a great starting point for making connections and finding support. You might want to consider attending events, workshops or seminars tailored for empty nesters. These could be about personal growth, rediscovering hobbies or planning for the future. Attending these events can provide opportunities to meet individuals with similar interests and experiences. Volunteering for a cause you're passionate about can also help you connect with others and feel a sense of purpose beyond your role as a parent. This not only contributes to personal fulfillment, but also opens avenues for meeting like-minded mums. Now, once you've found your tribe, you'll be wanting to maintain good connections. Consistent communication is key to maintaining connections. This could involve regular meetups, phone calls or online interactions. Sharing updates, asking about others' experiences and offering support can strengthen bonds over time. Engage actively in your community. This could involve contributing to discussions, sharing your own experiences, offering support to others and participating in community activities or events. Fostering empathy and respect is crucial in maintaining healthy connections. Be open to different perspectives, respect others' experiences and offer empathy during challenging times. This mutual understanding can foster a supportive and enduring community. Joining a community of empty nest mums provides a network of support, shared understanding and inspiration, all of which can significantly enhance the journey through this transitional phase. However, without such connections, you may face increased feelings of isolation and lack of guidance. By joining groups, attending events and maintaining connections through regular communication, active participation and empathy, empty nest mums can form and sustain meaningful relationships. These connections can turn the challenging transition into an enriching journey of shared experiences, mutual growth and enduring companionship. Remember, you've got this until tomorrow. Thank you.