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Aug. 14, 2023

Day 14: Power of Gratitude

Day 14: Power of Gratitude

On Day 14 of our 21 Days Together, we'll take you on a deep exploration of gratitude, its profound benefits, and the strategies to cultivate it. Not just a practice for good times, gratitude can help find the silver linings and learning experiences even in our toughest moments.

On Day 14 of our 21 Days Together, we'll take you on a deep exploration of gratitude, its profound benefits, and the strategies to cultivate it. Not just a practice for good times, gratitude can help find the silver linings and learning experiences even in our toughest moments.

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Bobbi Chegwyn:

Welcome to day 14 of 21 Days Together. Today, I'm going to be talking about Cultivating Gratitude and finding joy in the present moment. Transitioning to an empty nest Can be a challenging time for many of us. It's a shift from years of active parenting To a quieter, less demanding phase of life. This transition provides an opportune moment to reflect, adjust and cultivate practices that foster happiness and contentment. One such practice that can serve as a beacon of positivity and fulfilment during this time Is cultivating gratitude. Gratitude at its simplest is the act of appreciating and expressing thankfulness For the positive aspects of life. It's recognising the good in life and acknowledging that this good Often originates from sources outside of ourselves. Gratitude isn't merely about being thankful when things go well. It's about finding positives and learning experiences. Even in challenging situations, such as the adjustment to an empty nest, gratitude offers profound benefits, both personally and socially. It enhances wellbeing, improves sleep, reduces stress and fosters a healthier lifestyle. It also increases happiness, improves mood and lessens symptoms of depression and anxiety. On a societal level, gratitude fosters a sense of community, encourages altruistic behaviour and contributes to a more empathetic and compassionate society For emptiness mums. These benefits can be pivotal In navigating the transition with grace and joy. Gratitude plays a crucial role in the law of attraction the principles that our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, draw similar energy into our lives. Expressing gratitude puts you in a positive mindset, effectively attracting more positivity into your life. As you acknowledge and appreciate the good things in your life, you set the stage for more good things to come your way. This principle becomes increasingly relevant for us as we navigate this new phase of life, attracting a future filled with joy, fulfilment and contentment. Cultivating gratitude allows you to anchor yourself in the present moment and recognise the joys that surround you. Here are some strategies to foster a gratitude mindset. First, we've got maintaining a gratitude journal. Keeping a journal can be a potent way to cultivate gratitude. Dedicate a few moments each day to write down things you're thankful for. These could range from small daily joys to significant milestones or people in your life. Over time, this practice trains the mind to focus on positive aspects, enhancing happiness in the present moment. Next, we have Mindful Meditation. Now Mindfulness the practice of being fully engaged in the current moment pairs well with gratitude. Mindful meditation can focus on things you're grateful for, strengthening your appreciation for the present moment. This practice not only reduces stress, but also allows you to savor the joy in now. And my personal favourite Gratitude Reminders Set up a visual cue or some reminders throughout the day to nurture gratitude. These could be Post-it notes with grateful messages, a gratitude jar filled with notes of appreciation, or alarms on your phone reminding you to pause and appreciate something. I actually have a digital frame which I upload all my photos from the past and present. I smile and feel so blessed and grateful when images pop up of my parents who have passed, my children who are in Australia and all the wonderful memories we have created together. Next we have Expressing Gratitude to Others Now. Doing this not only makes them feel appreciated, but also amplifies our own positive emotions. A heartfelt thank you to a friend, a thoughtful letter to a loved one or a gesture of kindness to a stranger can all foster a sense of gratitude. And let's look at practicing gratitude in difficult times. Even in challenging times, such as adjusting to the empty nest, practicing gratitude can offer solace and positivity. It provides us with a focus on what's good in life, offering a beacon of light that can guide you through these challenging times Transitioning to a new phase of life. Cultivating gratitude can be transformative. It offers a path to happiness, contentment and joy in the present moment. Additionally, through the power of the law of attraction, gratitude can enhance positivity and attract more fulfilling experiences. Cultivating gratitude allows for not just finding, but truly experiencing joy in the present moment, serving as a guide towards a future filled with potential and promise. Remember, you've got this Until tomorrow.