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Aug. 13, 2023

Day 13: Unfurling Your Wings

Day 13: Unfurling Your Wings

Today, we uncover the emotional transition many mums grapple with when children fly the coop, and how this shift can be an exhilarating opportunity rather than a somber end. We'll explore how you can leverage this newfound freedom to shape a fresh identity beyond your parental role, reignite forgotten dreams and chart a thrilling new course for your future.

Today, we uncover the emotional transition many mums grapple with when children fly the coop, and how this shift can be an exhilarating opportunity rather than a somber end. We'll explore how you can leverage this newfound freedom to shape a fresh identity beyond your parental role, reignite forgotten dreams and chart a thrilling new course for your future.

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Bobbi Chegwyn:

Welcome to day 13 of 21 Days Together. Today, I'm going to discuss Imagining Life Beyond the Nest. The transition to an empty nest when children move out of the family home To start their adult lives Can be a significant life change. For many mums, this period can be a mixture of emotions, from pride and satisfaction at their kids' independence To feelings of loss and uncertainty about their own future. However, this can also be a time of opportunity, a chance to reimagine life beyond the constant demands of acting parenting. This reimagining can be achieved by creating a vision for the future, paving the way to a fulfilling and exciting chapter in life. A vision serves as a roadmap for the future. It's a clear mental image of what you want your life to look like, based on your values, passions and goals. Creating a vision can provide a sense of direction and purpose, especially at a time of significant change, such as the transition to an empty nest. It empowers individuals to take control of their future and serves as a motivational tool to work towards their aspirations. Alongside creating a vision, it's essential to understand the power of intent and the principle of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, influence our lives by attracting similar energy. In other words, our thoughts and intentions shape our reality. Now, when creating a vision, mums are effectively setting an intent for their future, fueling the Law of Attraction. By focusing on positive outcomes, specific goals and desired experiences, we can draw these circumstances into our lives. This powerful combination of vision and intent can stimulate personal growth, open up new possibilities and facilitate the achievement of goals. So let's look at creating a vision. The first step is self-reflection. The process of creating a vision begins with self-reflection Emptiness. Mums can take this time to rediscover themselves outside of their parental roles. What are your passions, interests and ambitions? This introspection can involve reassessing personal values, revisiting old dreams that may have been set aside during the parenting years and contemplating new possibilities. Next we have Dream and Explorer. When crafting your vision, it's essential to dream and explore. Don't limit the possibilities to what seems realistic or achievable in the short term. The vision can be grand and ambitious, embodying the best possible future. Whether it's pursuing a long, delayed career, starting a new hobby, travelling the world or volunteering for a cause close to the heart, the possibilities are endless. Then we move on to visualizing and writing it down. Now. Visualization is a powerful tool in creating a vision. It involves mentally picturing the ideal future in vivid detail. Once the vision is clear, writing it down can add a layer of commitment and make it tangible. Whether it's a few sentences that outline the main aspirations or a detailed narrative of the ideal future, writing it down can make the vision feel more real. Now, creating a vision board is a great manifesting tool. This vision board is a visual representation of your aspirations. It's a collage of images, words, quotes and items that represent the goals and dreams that make up your vision. Creating a vision board involves collecting images that resonate with your vision for the future. These can be collected from magazines printed from the internet or even personal photographs. The act of creating a vision board can be both therapeutic and fun, transforming abstract dreams into something concrete. The finished vision board should be placed somewhere visible, because it acts as a daily reminder of the vision and a source of motivation. Each glance at the board can serve to reinforce the goals and the steps needed to achieve them. Now it's important to embrace flexibility. A vision is not a rigid plan set in stone, but a dynamic concept. It's crucial to remain open to changes, as life is often unpredictable and new opportunities and interests may arise. An effective vision evolves with time, reflecting personal growth and changing circumstances. And, lastly, on this topic, the transition to an emptiness can be challenging for many mums, but creating a vision for the future can transform it into a period of personal growth and reinvention. By imagining life beyond having the kids at home, mums can carve out a new identity and embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. This vision, whether articulated in words or represented visually in a vision board, serves as a compass, guiding you toward a future filled with potential and promise. Furthermore, by setting a clear intention and harnessing the power of the law of attraction, you can become equipped to attract the future you envision, accelerating your journey towards your goals. Remember, you've got this Until tomorrow.