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Aug. 10, 2023

Day 10: Finding a Balance

Day 10: Finding a Balance

Ever wondered how to perfectly balance nurturing your child’s growth while fostering their independence? Whether your child is just learning to walk or already on their way to college, this episode unveils the delicate dance of parenthood.

Ever wondered how to perfectly balance nurturing your child’s growth while fostering their independence? Whether your child is just learning to walk or already on their way to college, this episode unveils the delicate dance of parenthood. 

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Bobbi Chegwyn:

Welcome to day 10 of 21 Days Together. Today, we're going to look at some do's and don'ts when it comes to supporting your children's path and respecting and embracing their independence. Now, as parents, one of the most rewarding yet Challenging tasks is supporting our children as they navigate their path in life. As they grow and mature, children begin to develop their unique interests, passions and aspirations. It's essential for parents to strike A delicate balance between being supportive and allowing them to embrace their independence. By respecting their choices and providing a nurturing environment, parents can help their children Thrive and grow into confident, self-reliant individuals. Today, we're going to explore the do's and don'ts Of supporting your children's path While respecting and embracing their independence. So let's look at the do's. Number one Listen actively, practice active listening when your children express their thoughts, dreams and goals. Pay attention to their interests and concerns Without judgement or interruption. By giving them a safe space to share their feelings, you convey your support and validate their emotions. And number two Encourage open communication. Create an open and non-judgmental atmosphere when your children feel comfortable Discussing their ideas and plans. Encouraging open communication Forsters trust and strengthens your bond, allowing them to seek your guidance and share their successes and challenges. At number three we've got Provide guidance, not dictation. Offer guidance and advice when needed, but refrain from dictating their decisions. Let your children make choices and learn from the consequences. This empowers them to develop problem-solving skills and a sense of responsibility. Number four nurture their passions. Support and nurture your children's passions and interests, even if they do differ from your own. Encourage them to explore different activities and hobbies that ignite their curiosity and bring them joy. Providing opportunities for growth and development in areas of their interest can boost their confidence and self-esteem. At number five we've got Celebrate their achievements. Celebrate your children's achievements, no matter how big or small. Acknowledge their efforts and praise their accomplishments. Your encouragement and support can motivate them to continue striving for success. And now we move on to the don'ts. At number one we've got Don't impose your aspirations. Avoid projecting your unfulfilled dreams or aspirations onto your children. Let them pursue their own path and discover their passions independently. Pressuring them to fulfill your expectations can create feelings of resentment and hinder their personal growth. Number two don't dismiss their ideas. Respect your children's ideas and goals, even if they may seem unconventional or different from what you imagine for them. Dismissing their aspirations may discourage them from sharing their thoughts openly with you. Number three don't overshadow their accomplishments. While it's natural to feel proud of your own achievements, avoid overshadowing your children's accomplishments with stories of your past successes. Instead, focus on celebrating their milestones and offering encouragement for their journey. Number four don't compare them to others. Refrain from comparing your children to their peers or siblings. Each child is unique and such comparisons can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Embrace and celebrate their individuality. At number five we've got. Don't solve all their problems. Allow your children to navigate through challenges on their own whenever possible, while providing support and guidance is essential, let them learn problem-solving skills and develop resilience by facing obstacles independently. Supporting your children's path while respecting and embracing their independence is a delicate dance that requires love, patience and understanding. As parents, it's essential to listen, encourage open communication and provide guidance without imposing our own expectations, nurturing their passions and celebrating their achievements can empower them to embrace their unique journey confidently. By avoiding comparisons, respecting their ideas and allowing them space to grow, parents can lay a strong foundation for their children's independence and self-discovery. Remember supporting your children doesn't mean shaping them into who you want them to be, but rather guiding them to become the best version of themselves. You've got this Until tomorrow. You.